Tour le Jardin-Garden Walk
The Elm Grove Garden Club organizes an annual
Garden Walk, Tour le Jardin.
This year we are working in conjunction with members of the
Mayfair Park Garden Club.
The Garden Walk is held on a Saturday in July.
Participating on the tour are 6 or more gardens that are owned and maintained by residents in the local community. Not only is this a fun way to meet people with similar interests but also an excellent opportunity to find inspiration for your own gardens.
Funds raised from ticket sales are applied to funding scholarships for students interested in pursuing Horticulture and other related fields,
and to the service activities of the club.
2020 Tour le Jardin is Saturday, July 18th from 10 AM to 4 PM.
Tickets are $8 in advance and can be purchased at
Elm Grove's Sunset Playhouse, Snapdragon Flowers
or Welke's House of Roses.
Day of tour tickets are sold at the Sunset Playhouse for $10.
While at the Sunset Playhouse, be sure to visit the Garden Marketplace.
Various artsy vendors and garden related organizations will have
wonderful items for sale.
Come and enjoy!!!
Garden Walk, Tour le Jardin.
This year we are working in conjunction with members of the
Mayfair Park Garden Club.
The Garden Walk is held on a Saturday in July.
Participating on the tour are 6 or more gardens that are owned and maintained by residents in the local community. Not only is this a fun way to meet people with similar interests but also an excellent opportunity to find inspiration for your own gardens.
Funds raised from ticket sales are applied to funding scholarships for students interested in pursuing Horticulture and other related fields,
and to the service activities of the club.
2020 Tour le Jardin is Saturday, July 18th from 10 AM to 4 PM.
Tickets are $8 in advance and can be purchased at
Elm Grove's Sunset Playhouse, Snapdragon Flowers
or Welke's House of Roses.
Day of tour tickets are sold at the Sunset Playhouse for $10.
While at the Sunset Playhouse, be sure to visit the Garden Marketplace.
Various artsy vendors and garden related organizations will have
wonderful items for sale.
Come and enjoy!!!